Onpo Madencilik İnş. San ve Tic. A.Ş.Machine Plaster
Product Group
Name: Machine Plaster
This EPD covers the product group. The EPD is based on the worst-case approach according to environmental impacts. The criterion for defining the worst-case product is mainly based on the declared environmental performance indicator.
products: OP11, Makonat Pro and OP77.
Product Group
Machine Plaster is applied on bricks, concretes, gas concretes, pumice blocks etc. It is a bagged gypsum-based concentrated ready to use plaster that can be applied directly on the materials by machine. It is A1 class fireproof material that provides sound insulation.
CPC: 37410
ISO 14025 and EN 15804:2012+A2:2019/AC:2021

Registration & Validity
Onpo Madencilik İnş. San ve Tic. A.Ş.
Onpo Madencilik Ins. San ve Tic. A.S. has been established in year 2005. Since the day we were founded, we have worked to reveal the difference and reach the leading position in the Turkish plaster industry. Thus, we established the ONAT ALÇI brand in 2011. We continued to work in line with our future goals and principles in our factory, which contributes to the construction sector at the 20th km of Ankara Bala road.
While developing our durable, reliable and quality products, we have adopted the basic principle of contributing to a strong state and a strong economy. For this reason, in 2015, we expanded our influence by adding ONATPAN Gypsum Board factory to our company with 100% domestic capital, which is affiliated with Ali Rıza Onat Müt. Ins. ve Proj. Hizm. Tic ve San A.S. Thus, with its strong product range and production capacity, we continue to show our difference in the construction sector by producing 450 000 tons of Powder Gypsum and 15 000 000 m² of Gypsum Board per year in an area of 100 000 m².

0312 384 30 97https://www.onpo.com.tr/tr
See NowToday, we continue to work with precision to ensure customer satisfaction and service quality, as well as our product quality, capacity and diversity. We talk to our customers, listen to them and constantly work to find solutions to their problems. We act with an innovative perspective in order to adapt our work to today’s conditions, and we constantly follow technological developments. In line with these principles, we continue to provide multi-faceted benefits to Turkey’s construction industry.
Onpo Madencilik Ins. San ve Tic. A.S. has been established in year 2005. Since the day we were founded, we have worked to reveal the difference and reach the leading position in the Turkish plaster industry. Thus, we established the ONAT ALÇI brand in 2011. We continued to work in line with our future goals and principles in our factory, which contributes to the construction sector at the 20th km of Ankara Bala road.