Burak AluminyumBare Aluminum Profiles
The product investigated in this EPD is company's bare aluminium profile which include %100 aluminium content. The product is manufactured at company's Kırklareli plant.
During the production, aluminium billets are heated up to 500°C in the annealing furnace and press profiles are produced by extrusion. Product composition and accompanying packaging are listed below.
ISO 14025 and EN 15804:2012+A2:2019
Registration & Validity
Burak Aluminyum
It started manufacturing aluminium sheet in Istanbul Bayrampasa in 1984. In 1994, Hadimkoy Plant started production. In 1995, electrostatic powder coating unit and foundry was opened. Burak implemented its first export in 1996.
Production of architectural aluminium building systems was commenced with the brand name “alu-line” in 2002. 1,400 and 2,000 tons of extrusion lines, anodization unit CNC mechanical processing machinery were commissioned, and the 1st phase construction of 12,500 sqm Luleburgaz plant was completed between 2003 and 2008.
İstoç oto ticaret merkezi 2.cadde A2 blok No:1 Kat:13 Burak Plaza Bağcılar / İstanbul / Türkiye
See NowThe foundation of Luleburgaz plant was completed in 2011. Aksan Alüminyum joined the group in 2012. In 2013, Total 80,000 sqm Luleburgaz plant with 45,000 sqm indoor spae was completed and set into operation.
It started manufacturing aluminium sheet in Istanbul Bayrampasa in 1984.
In 1994, Hadimkoy Plant started production. In 1995, electrostatic powder coating unit and foundry was opened. Burak implemented its first export in 1996.
Production of architectural aluminium building systems was commenced with the brand name “alu-line” in 2002. 1,400 and 2,000 tons of extrusion lines, anodization unit CNC mechanical processing machinery were commissioned, and the 1st phase construction of 12,500 sqm Luleburgaz plant was completed between 2003 and 2008.
The foundation of Luleburgaz plant was completed in 2011. Aksan Alüminyum joined the group in 2012. In 2013, Total 80,000 sqm Luleburgaz plant with 45,000 sqm indoor spae was completed and set into operation.